Friday, March 5, 2010

Fort Washington Fitness

Please comment on this post and let us know what you think Christy is thinking as she is walking along a line of treadmills in the new Fort Washington Fitness.


  1. "Why am I walking by treadmills for a picture?"

  2. "I wonder if this photo will have really crappy web compression just like every other photo at"

  3. Hmmm...did I feed my kittie this morning?

  4. I hate it when the gym is so busy. I wonder if I'll be able to find an open treadmill.

  5. "I can't believe Gold's Gym is closed! Why are treadmills always black? How many feet do lobsters have? Note to self: reorganize my scarf closet tonight when I get home. I bet this floor is made from recycled tires." - Christy as she walks along a line of treadmills

  6. Hmmm....why do people pay so much to run in place....I find that very interesting. Actually, I think it's lame. Go outside and breathe in some fresh air. Fresh air, that's what I want right now. It smells like stinky boys and rubber in here. Eeewww.

  7. "hmmm.. everything looks the same as Gold's Gym looked.."
